
With a primary interest in skateboarding, Hass discovered hidden corners of his hometown Swansea and was introduced to graffiti and letterform, which later consumed his focus. Using letters as a foundation for his work, Hass diversified into large-scale murals, contemporary paintings and bespoke lettering.

Growing up in a beach-side city, his work is influenced by a gritty working class town juxtaposed with coastal areas of natural beauty. With over 15 years experience, Hass has travelled the world creating artwork in Australia, Tanzania and Germany.

Artwork inspiration for Ashridge


Observe & Remain Silent: A contemporary take on Tudor aesthetics, this piece portrays a fragmented female portrait juxtaposed with textures of old oil paintings and stained glass.

The artwork morphs between blurred and in-focus, creating an ethereal feel. Inspired by Ashridge House's geometric architecture and garden shapes, the semi-circle canvas mirrors the aerial view of the gardens. The colour palette features golds, yellow ochre, and vibrant crimson red and cobalt blue, echoing the tapestry inside Ashridge House.

This piece aims to bring diversity to Ashridge House, acknowledging black Tudors in Britain. The title, a quote from Elizabeth I, resonates with the piece's overseeing eye.